Wednesday, April 12, 2017

I met him on the plane. His name is George and he stole my heart. He has the sweetest, warmest face. We talked for the two hour flight and I hardly understood anything he said but I pretended to because it made him smile. He asked me where I lived and my name and was genuinely interested. He kept asking the flight attendant for cookies and stashed them away in his hat, saying he liked cookies and crackers with tea. I watched as he took one out of his hiding place and snuck it into my hand whispering, 'I love cookies but I want to share my cookie with you. Save one for later to have with some tea.' I took the cookie. I smiled inside. I asked George how old he was and he said he didn't know. He said he didn't remember much these days. I was listening to John Legend and he took my phone and listened with me. You should have seen how happy he was. At one point, George asked if we were still moving or if we had stopped. I pointed to the clouds outside and said we were still moving. His conversation was soothing and so sweet. And then he did it. He asked if my phone was a camera. I said yes. He said, 'Take a picture of me so you can remember me.' I almost lost it. He grabbed my hand and took one of my silver bracelets so he could remember me. He said he'd see me next year and that we'd met before. It made me wonder if God keeps sending me the same angel in different forms.

I don't know what George did 20 years ago. I don't know if George beat his wife or was a rehabilitated killer. I don't know if George was racist or hated animals. All I know is that George's angelic face and smile was exactly what I needed today and when he hugged me and asked if he made me happy today, I squeezed him, told him yes and just said Thank you Lord.

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