Thursday, May 4, 2017

Let's make music together..not!!

I know chocolate is addictive but come on. Boarded my flight from Nashville to Atlanta. As usual, I was minding my own business; you know me😏

I just finished up my complaint email to Delta about yet another delay when I feel the piercing heat. He's staring at me and it's unfortunately my good side that's facing him. 

'Are you okay?' he asked.
I say yes. 
He then introduces himself and tells me I have a nice smile. I quickly try to decide if I'm in the mood for idle chit chat. I foolishly decide I am and say thanks.

Flood gate opens and now he knows what I do, that I'm Jamaican and he has to go there, that I like Nashville and that Music Row is great. Damn!
'You should take me there,' he says and I smile. 
I can see this is going to be the longest 34 minutes flight ever so I pretend I'm nervous when I fly and close the shade and my eyes.
This dude, during some wicked turbulence, grabs my knee and asks if I'm okay. 😳

Now, if you know me, you know I hate confrontation and uncomfortable situations and I immediately start sweating. What do I do? Make a scene and get thrown off mid flight or stay calm and count the minutes. I remain calm and move my knee. Delta keeps their seats skinny people friendly so it's a task for me.

'So, are we on for next week?' he asks again. I tell him if he sees me in Nashville, sure. We're landing, thank you Jesus. He has a connection so I know he's going to rush off the plane. Wrong!!!

I wait in my seat until he's gone, let people go by, giving him time to vamoose. He's waiting for me at the top of the jetway. Wth?!!!

'I think we should exchange numbers', he says. I tell him my fiancΓ© wouldn't approve. That gets the job done, or so I thought. I tell him to have a safe flight and I jet into restroom. Safe!!!

Not! I come out and he's standing there. 😳😳

I go back in and wait and wait and now I escape. He's gone. Wow!!! Anybody know this dude?

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The posts that made me go 'well, I'll be damned!'