Thursday, June 8, 2017

Love that chicken from Popeye's

Don't you just hate when people take food on the plane 🙄

Lady sitting in 11A had her tray down with an entire Popeye's meal 🍗 🌽 🍛 --chicken breast, rice and beans, biscuit and corn on the cob. She's trying to be discreet because people are coming in and it's like she's on display because apparently, no one has seen a person eat on a plane before. She's obviously hungry.

The corn, as you may know if you're a Popeye's lover, is soft and sweet and the juices tend to spray. To eat without spraying is an art.

She has no drink because she was foolish enough to think Delta would leave on time and she would have a drink then. She chokes a little on some crispy skin. Lordy!

She just dropped bean gravy on her shirt. Geez! Now she's searching for more napkins. She didn't take enough. Silly woman.

She must be hungry though-had a long day. She doesn't lick her fingers, even though I'm sure she wants to but that would be uncoothed. She leaves half the corn uneaten because the guy beside her is staring. I know she's mad.

She wipes her fingers, tries to dab the stain on her blouse and ties the bag closed. Satisfied, she leans back and turns the overhead fan on to blow the chicken aroma away. This lady has some consideration.

We were just told the flight is delayed because the tire has a slash in it and needs to be changed, so she picks up her phone and starts posting on Facebook about a woman eating Popeye's on her flight. 😏

Hand's up if you love that chicken from Popeye's 🙋🏽

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