Wednesday, April 12, 2017

Common ground

Just a minute of your time, please. #soapbox #airplanechronicles

I'm not always a good 'judge' of character. 
I was having a crappy day, dreading going back to work this week because I had such a restful and long weekend. I got to the airport with anxiety build up because I didn't want to leave home and Lila didn't either. She flies twice a week and has to be exhausted, if I am. 

I boarded the flight and I'd been upgraded again. My seat was 2F, the window seat, by the exit, beside this older gentleman. I immediately thought he would give me the stare down, judge me, and the flight to Chicago would be tense. 

Before I could sit, he said, 'hi neighbor'. I smiled because I usually do that kind of stuff. I was struggling to get Lila under my seat. Under 2F is smaller than other seats. He saw me struggling and offered to move 'his' bag from under 'his' seat so that Lila would be comfy. He didn't know I had a dog in there but he saw me struggling. 

After thanking him and getting my act together, I settled in and ordered a Bloody Mary. Bill, as I later found out his name was, asked if Atl was home. I told him yes and he asked how I felt about the loss yesterday. I smiled and said I was unaffected. It wasn't my usual Kelly smile though. It was an 'alternative' smile. 

He saw the bag move and asked if I had a dog in there. I said yes. This gentleman and I talked for about 40 minutes until he fell asleep. Turns out Bill had flown into Atl, from Chicago, this morning, and was flying back to Chicago now.  We talked about Lila and his dog Peaches, who had passed away while being spayed at 6 months. I cried and he held back tears. Dog people will understand. 

I say all this to say a few things. If you were paying attention, you picked up on them all. 

• I judged a stranger who I thought would judge me. I made him a mean person without reason. 
• I was being ungrateful. I was upset about going back to work, instead of being grateful I had said job, a job that has afforded me so many great opportunities. 
• This man had been on a plane three times today, was exhausted but still found it opportune to be nice and in a good mood. I had slept all weekend. 
• I was upgraded and almost lost how good a gift that was. Bloody Marys, snacks and a comfy seat. It also meant I'd exit much sooner and Lila could pee sooner as well.
• I almost allowed my stupid pride and  independence leave Lila uncomfortable under a tight seat for 1.5 hrs. 
• This stranger and I shared the most dearest thing to my heart, the love for and sudden loss of a pet. ❤️ 

Am I usually a complaining asshole?  No. But today, I was. I let what I thought was a not so great day bleed into the rest of my life. Life is horribly short and full of surprises guys, both good and bad. Choose which to fuel. 

Own your faults.
Appreciate, love, accept and humbly receive or you'll be left missing all your blessings. 

Happy Monday all!

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