Monday, January 23, 2012

Code word is 'Popeye's' stupid!

Code word 'Popeye's'

I'm sitting at C14, waiting to board and the smell wafting from Moe's
next door is intoxicating-and I'm starving because I hadn't eaten all
day save for a grapefruit and a tangerine. I'd had an emotional
weekend and I either eat everything or nothing at all when I'm
emotionally challenged.

So, I fall prey to the ethnic aroma and head on over to Moe's. Hmmm, I
want something satifying but low cal. I lol because that's an oxymoron
if ever I heard one-low cal at Moe's. Hilarious!

"I'll have a burrito", I tell the handsome gentleman. I tell him beef
when he asks what meat I want...thoughts ran wild for a second.
Anyhoo, I tell the other not as handsome fella to pack it in,
"everything, please, including jalepenos." I'm salivating at that
point. I pay and head on to my gate just in time. We're boarding.
I'm in 1A. My regular was already taken. Here's why I mention that.
Everyone knows row 1seats have no underneath section for your stuff so
you have to put everything in the overhead. Daggit! I like going in
and out of my bag. Lip gloss if I need to slick the puckers. Hand
sanitizer, especially tonight. But, I'll follow directions. I put my
stuff overhead.

My aisle 1 seatmate sees me and tells whoever he's on the phone with
he'll call them back and gives me the biggest smile. Negro, please.
You're so not my type. And as he was about to get up and offer
unnecessary help, I firmly let him know, "I'm ok, thanks."

I relax in and Mac daddy gets back on his phone. Did I mention he's
Jamaican but he doesn't know I am-foreshadowing baby ;-) I open up my
Moe's bag and make a mental note to ask my FB peeps how they feel
about Moe's thing with throwing random tortilla chips in the bag with
your burrito. I open my yummy burrito (pictured below) and wipe the
saliva from my chin (j/k) and take a bite. Yes, I love food.

This is a long story for one simple point at which you'll shake your
head and say, "Kelly, you're crazy."

So, I'm in heaven, eating my beautiful burrito and I hear Mr.
Notverymacdaddy go, "Hey, you memba me worst nightmare pan de plane?"
to whomever is on the phone. Immediately, I know what he's trying to
tell his 'friend'. But the friend isn't getting it. So, dude pulls the
phone from his mouth and tries to whisper, "Popeye's". Now, we all
know that trick. When you're talking about someone beside you, you use
your phone like a walkie talkie. Stupid. So, after he says Popeye's
five more times, I start to smile, turn to him and ask, "Is my burrito
bothering you?" He damn near dies of shock. Why? Couple of things. I'm
Jamaican, for one and I figured out your oh so difficult codeword,
where Popeye's stand for 'people eating beside me on the plane'. I
wanted to say to him, 'you need a new friend and code word because they had no idea
what you were talking about and I'm from yawd too fool' but I didn't.
Instead, I listened to him stutter out, "just a bit." Patois is now gone.

I laugh because I take a good look at this fool beside me, who just
asked the flight attendant for a seatbelt extension (which I didn't
even know existed until s few months ago) and think that he had some
nerve. He's sitting there, looking like he just ate five burritos and
the Mexicans who made them. I bet you he was mad because he didn't
have one. And, besides, I made sure not to get onions as in 'the close
talker' just in case I met the future Mr. _____Fleming (he'll
hyphenate. Lol, I'm stupid) or just in case I have a visitor late
night tonight or early morning. You know how onions stick to your craw
and that's not sexy.

So, after Mr. Hater (see how his name changes as we go) pulls his chin
off the floor, I suggest that he turn on the fan thing above his ugly,
bald head because I'm not going stop getting my grub on for him. He
does and tells his friend he has to go.

I'm not rude. I promise. Well, not without reason....and I was hungry.
I respect you more if you just speak directly to me instead of
dropping hints, not saying it would have stopped me from eating my
burrito but I may have eaten just a half instead ;-)

1 comment:

PhilaHoodlum said...

Ok never new Popeye's was a code word for anything im alittle slow gonna have ta rewind and see was i ever being talked about to my face hmmmm.

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