Friday, October 14, 2011

She 'knee-ds' help....for real!!!

So, I'm at Chicago Midway today and I'm going through the normal rigamarole (sp-as if it's a real word). I'm almost there, almost out of the grasp of the TSA. I'm holding Dexter after making it through the Xray thing with him in my arms. I have a black shirt on and he's shedding like crazy. He sheds when he's nervous. All I want is his damn doggie bag to put his little ass back in there but some ass is holding up the process. So, I'm on the other side, looking at my belongings under the Xray belt  tunnel and wishing I could just reach under and grab it, but I don't want to be face down in Chi-town, handcuffed on a Friday.
"Ma'am, go through again," I hear the officer say to this clown.
She goes out and comes back. The thing still beeps.
"Ma'am, do you have a belt on?" the officer asks again.
"Nope", she says and I want to just slap her. Dexter is getting mighty fidgety.
She comes through again. "Ma'am, do you have any piercings?" the officer asks again and I'm hoping she says no because she looks to be over fifty (not saying older folks can't get their nasty on too).
"No, I don't," she says. Thank goodness, I think.
She touches her hair, arms and legs and goes through again. BEEEEEPPPPP!!!!
Now, everyone is pissed and frustrated and probably late for their flight.
Another officer comes up and asks, "Ma'am do you have any replacements?"
And this fool, smiles and says, "Oh yeah, I just had a knee replacement done."
I could have kicked her in the damn knee.
She then proceeds to roll up her right pant leg, up to the knee to reveal this big ass knee, with stitches and what looks like Frankenstein bolts.
"I forgot I got this done," she says.
And everyone heaved a united sigh of disgust.

Here's what the damn thing looked like. Here's what she forgot she had done. ARE YOU SERIOUS LADY?????


Walking with god said...

How did you get this pic...I AM intrigued

Anonymous said...

The same way I get all my others-skills.

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