Friday, September 2, 2011

No matter where, no matter when, I gotta get my Zzzzz's!

I'm flying out to NY from Atlanta today. Yes, Atlanta, the busiest airport in the world. I can attest to that because I fly into Atlanta every Thursday and out on Sunday's and no matter what time I'm en route, I'm tripping over roller bags and tripping random kids.

So, today, the Friday before Labor Day Monday, it came as no surprise that the airport was, as usual, 'off the chain'. I got to my gate, in a light sweat, as usual, because TSA just put me through the damn ringer-leaving me violated. I step over a few feet and jump over a few bags before I find a seat, a seat that has a bag and a book in it and a nasty chick beside it, looking at me, as if I have no right to ask her to get her stuff off so that I can sit.

I have about an hour before my flight so I decide to charge my phone. I look over for the 'so convenient' charging stations and that's when I realize that there are people sleeping on the damn floor. They were right there in front of me but I'd gotten so used to them that I didn't even notice them today. I do a ballet move to get over her sleeping, bundled up body and plug in my phone. Now that I'm in the midst of the pajama party-sleepover, I realize how many of them there are and how horribly horrible they look and smell. And, to make matters worse, she's farting. Yep, and that's the only charging station. Dammit!!!

I hear an ad on the TV behind me and I start to smile. It's the one about Hartsfield Jackson International Airport being the busiest airport in the world and the hub for sleepovers for missed flights. But, they're bragging about these rooms they have that you can sleep in for $30 an hour if the hard ground is too much for you or if you're Donald Trump, because I'd need at least $150. I love my sleep! I guess this group here isn't 'balling' like that.

So, needless to say, my blog is all about the horrors of missing your flight. When I was a kid, I'd love going with my mom and brothers to Florida where we'd spend the night in the airport to get up and go to McCrory's for breakfast. To us, that was a treat and so much fun. I guess it depends on who you're with, huh? Things just aren't the same. For one, they don't have McCrory's anymore :-(

Theh airports should, however, think about putting in some showers though. That would be rather nice, so if you HAVE to stay in the airport overnight, you can at least freshen up. Don't you think that's a good idea?


Anonymous said...

Ay Caramba! Why oh why dem always hffi do u soh Kellz? I wanted to laugh but it was sooo painful imagining u in that situation! Hush!

Anonymous said...

Wow...client care in the airline industry still has HUGE gaps.THinking about it though I have only seen showers at JFK and the airport in Dubai...-Simi

Test said...

It wasn't me. They were other people who smelled like they'd been there for a week.

Test said...

It figures that Dubai would have showers in the airport but I'm shocked that NY does as well. Food for thought for those other cities...especially ATL, the busiest airport in the WORLD. Get with the program.

Anonymous said...

Hope the airports are reading definitely more they can do for passengers. Best I saw was in the Netherlands had a small movie theater screen in one of their hallways. Boring show but better than nothing.

sardonicswag said...

Next time just put some vicks vapor rub under your nose... Should lessen the smell ;P

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